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Key insights from Technobank 2024

Apr 24, 2024
3 min
process intelligence

Our T1A Process Intelligence team had the opportunity to attend the Technobank 2024 conference in Belgrade. Immersing ourselves in the latest banking trends and innovations alongside industry leaders was truly inspiring and insightful! A huge shoutout to the organizers and sponsors for orchestrating such a seamless event!

And here are our key insights from this exceptional event, covering a comprehensive range of topics reflecting the future of the Balkan banking industry.

Ivan Chashka, Business Development Manager, T1A
"Southeastern Europe is witnessing rapid digital advancement in the banking industry. I had the pleasure of participating in several sessions with process optimization experts and IT leaders. During these discussions, we exchanged insights on our successful implementation of Process Mining in the financial sector and shared valuable experiences from our journey towards process excellence.

Ekaterina Reisner, Business Development Manager, T1A
"My personal highlight was the round table discussion on the digital banking landscape in the Balkans region, featuring a fresh perspective from Tolga Yurteri, an EU participant from Slovenia. All panel members, including Branko Milikić from Halcom, who hosted the discussion, shared valuable insights and ideas on the present and future of digital banking."

Nataliia Vasileva, Senior PI Consultant, T1A
"I found it enlightening to witness the rapid development within the industry, especially the innovative use of AI in banking. A standout moment for me was the presentation by Mirela Kenfelj, Head of Products at Erste Card Club, on their loyalty program and dedication to enhancing the customer experience. I am eager to see how these advancements will continue to shape the future of banking in the Balkans."

Maksim Moskalev, Business Development Manager, T1A
"This year, the Technobank Conference underscored the growing role of AI in banking and emphasized the importance of balancing technological advancements with human-centric approaches. Participants demonstrated genuine interest in AI, highlighting the necessity for banks to stay abreast of technological trends and deliver tailored experiences to enhance customer loyalty. This aligns perfectly with T1A’s wide expertise in building loyalty programs and enhancing customer satisfaction, as businesses strive to make more informed decisions on engagement tactics, marketing strategies, and product offerings."

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